Shaolin Monk Martial Arts is a studio located in Coogee and run by Shifu Joe "Yong Tzsu" Lipoma (left). Shifu Joe specializes in the personal training of Shaolin Kung Fu, Chinna (lock and seizing), Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Meditation.

Shaolin Lineage
Shaolin Monk Martial Arts is dedicated to preserving the teachings of Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu- originating from 30th Generation Grand Master Shi Suxi ; 31st Generation Great Master Shi De Fon ; 32nd Generation Master Brett Xing Wu Russell and 33rd  Generation Shifu Joe Yong Tzsu Lipoma.

Grand Master Shi SuXi

Master Brett Xing Wu Russell


Qi Gong
Qi Gong implements ancient breathing techniques with set movements. Qi Gong helps increase both internal energy and physical strength/conditioning.

Chin Na
Chin Na impliments the use of simple locks and grappling techniques for self-defense.

Tai Chi
An internal form of kung fu that helps vitalize both mind and body. Tai Chi is not only applicable for general self-defense, but also excellent for general health and well being.
Personal Training Sessions
Pricing $45-$100
1 on 1 sessions $100/hr
3-6 people $45/hr p/p
kids classes (under 15)
1 on 1 $45 p/h
2 on 1 $30/hr p/p
3 on 1 $25/hr p/p
Enquire for larger groups​
To provide an effective learning experience, there will be no more than 6 people training at one time!
Shaolin Kungfu syllabus includes Qi Gong, Chin Na and Wuyi Self-Defense.

My Story
33rd Generation Shaolin Practitioner:
Joseph "Yong Tzsu" Lipoma.
I have been practising Shaolin Kung Fu for over 18 years and believe that the traditional roots of Wu Yi (Martial Arts) have relevant applications in modern society. I am lucky enough to have a strong lineage with the original Warrior Monks from the Shaolin Temple and apply an old school mentality to my training.
I have always wanted to help people and received a graduate degree in Psychology at The University of Sydney. Prior and during my studies I trained in Shaolin Kung Fu under the tutorship of Grand Master Shifu Brett Russell. I slowly developed an understanding of the benefits of Kung Fu in mental and physical health.
18 years later I am 1 year away from receiving a Master status as Shifu and continue to find new appreciation for the Wuyi Syllabus!
​Through Shaolin Kung Fu I aim to help others increase their physical fitness, focus and self esteem so that people may better themselves in other aspects of their lives. The outcome of each student may vary but i will put in 100% of my knowledge and effort so that you can achieve your own personal goals.

Information to help get you started on your Shaolin Journey
Do I need to be at a certain athletic level to train?
We provide a custom training program based on any fitness level or martial arts skill, from beginners to advanced.
Is there a uniform required to train?
Wear the same clothing as you would to a gym, barefoot or with comfortable shoes.
Are there any additional fees to training?
There are no membership fees! Just pay for the hour and if you can't make it to a class provide at least 24 hours notice (assuming no serious incidents have occurred).
Are there any age requirements to train?
Currently we have clients ranging from the age of 5 to 45, with programs tailored to individual needs. It is never too late to start your Shaolin Journey!
For further questions or information contact us and we will respond to you directly!

"A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle"
Get in touch today to schedule a session with Shaolin Chan Kung Fu